Three kinds of liturgical ministries are currently available at Tulane Catholic.
Please keep in mind that being a liturgical minister is not a way to "get involved" or "participate at Mass". It is a specific ministry of service to the Church during the worship of God. All the faithful are called to participate in the Eucharistic liturgy with their whole hearts and minds, some serve in these particular ways in order to facilitate the proper worship of God through the Sacrifice of the Mass.
The ministries of altar server, reader, and extraordinary minister of Holy Communion are roles of service, to the needs of the Church.
All altar servers, readers, and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion must be trained and properly delegated according to the particular law of the Archdiocese of New Orleans and the policies of Tulane Catholic. Even if one has served in another location, ministers must be trained and delegated to serve at Tulane Catholic.
Ministers must be exemplary in their living out the Christian life, faith, and morals;
They must be in good standing with the local Catholic church;
They must be fully initiated into the Catholic Church (i.e., have received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation).
Please fill out the form below to register for a training: